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5 Things to Remember When You Don’t Want to Have Sex

Everyone has different horniess levels and sometimes other things in life are more important than sex. Read below a few affirmations to tell yourself when you don’t feel like doing the dirty.

  1. You’re not broken- There are numerous, and all valid, reasons that you’re not horny, it’s NORMAL.

  2. There is no one definition of sex - It’s not just penetration, it can literally be ANYTHING you want it to be.

  3. It’s okay to be asexual- It’s healthy and okay to not ever feel horny.

  4. Communicate- After you understand why you don’t feel like doing it, make sure to also tell you partners and explain it may have nothing to do with them.

  5. Do what YOU want- You NEVER have to have sex if you don’t want to. Period.

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