Help Empower Women’s Sexual Exploration


Grow with us to reach more women.

Finding connection in an erotic story is incredibly important. From the beginning, Cum With Us has been connecting women to their sexual fantasies and empower them to explore free of charge. We wanted to create something real and relatable to show people their desires are normal without a pay wall. But now we want to do more.

We want to increase our already loyal followership, reach new listeners in a niche market, and empower more women every day!

An integral part to telling these titillating tales for free has been down to your support. With your support, we can build a bigger community of sexual empowered females helping them realise their wildest fantasies!

 Recent Stats


Overall impressions per month

3 million+

Unique downloads since launch in October 2020

Our Listeners

Partnership Offerings

Partnering with us means you will be investing in business and also in an ethical company that genuinely has your best interests at heart. We value your sponsorship and are open to discussing ideas as to how to make it work for you best. Below are our current offerings highlighting exactly how you will be getting your money’s worth.


Season or Episodes Sponsorship



Permanent, baked-in advertisements, simple upfront fee. 

  • £200 per episode 

  • £1,500 per 8 episode season

Fixed Term Advertising


Decide how long your advertisement runs, our dynamic ads will run across all episodes. Each month you’re invoiced based on the amount of impressions the ad secures.

  • £20/CPM billed monthly

Impressions Package


Choose an impression level, your advertisement runs through all episodes until it achieves the goal.

  • £180= 8k impressions

  • £400= 20k

  • £750= 40k

  • £1400= 75k


Sponsor Cum With Us and Help Sexually Empower Women!

Fill out the form below to get started! You’ll get some more information about the show and we’ll work together to ensure the partnership is beneficial for everyone - you, the stories and the listeners.

Have a general inquiry? Please do reach out!
