#2508: Fuck the DJ
Original image: @thatswhatshesaidart
James goes to the club where he meets the DJ, Jen, and they feel an instant connection between them. They decide to explore the music their sex makes…
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James stood next to the bar counter of the club, looking at his watch. He agreed to meet his date there but it didn’t seem she was coming. James felt slightly annoyed because of the time he wasted, but not much else. He knew that people he met online tended to be flaky and there was no point in dwelling on it. But the club had great music and not too expensive drinks, so James almost didn’t regret coming.
He looked over the crowd, to the DJ booth, where a young woman was moving to the beat she created. Even from far away, James could see her long blond hair and the shiny silver jumpsuit she was wearing. Her arms were in the air and she moved them to the music, making the crowd dance with her. She looked graceful but energetic as well, almost making him want to dance too. But the set ended and the woman left her place, walking through the crowd. James was surprised to notice that she was getting closer to him. Well, technically she was getting closer to the counter, but he was there as well, feeling interested in getting to see her closer. James ordered a drink full of ice and, as soon as the DJ came closer, he offered it to her. She looked at James with surprise, but accepted it, taking a sip.
As she stood closer, James noticed that her jumpsuit was open deep on her chest, revealing a matching silver top that barely covered her breasts. He looked away, not having any intention to stare at her like this. He hoped that DJ didn’t notice it and if she did she didn’t comment on that. She sipped her drink and, without any prompt from James, introduced herself as Jen. James looked up at her again, noticing a friendly smile on her face. Well, if she wanted to get to know him better he wouldn’t refuse such a chance. He introduced himself as well and sat closer to Jen.
He complimented her work, trying to explain exactly the way it made him feel, and Jen seemed to be enjoying the compliments she was getting. Her cheeks turned slightly pink, but James wasn’t sure if that was a result of her active work of his compliments.
They kept talking, sharing small details about each other and finding more and more connections between them. James felt good talking to Jen and was almost happy about his date not showing up. The time was passing by and soon Jen looked at the clock and told James that it was time for her to go home. He felt upset at the fact, hoping that they would have a chance to talk for a bit longer, but he wasn’t about to hold Jen back. He told her that he wasn’t happy that she needed to leave, but he fully understood that she had to go. Jen looked at him for a long moment, before proposing to him to walk her home. James was more than happy to oblige. Jen smiled happily, asking him to wait for her in front of the club as she got dressed. James was happy to follow her command.
They walked standing next to each other and almost brushing their hands at every step. James was asking Jen about her work and about how she started working as a DJ. She shared with James that she was initially classically musically trained, but that wasn’t something she loved and DJing helped her to rediscover her love for music and passion to create. James was fascinated by her story and mesmerized by her voice. Jen was attractive in ways other than physical and it was one of those things he loved to see in women the most.
Soon they were at her building and James felt awkward stepping from foot to foot as he looked at Jen, trying to figure out what to do. The only thing he could come up with was to give her his number, but he wasn’t sure if even that was okay. Jen seemed to notice his hesitation, but she read it differently and, before James could question it in any way, she invited him over to her place. He was surprised by that turn of events but not unhappy about it. They walked upstairs to her flat and Jen opened the door for the both of them.
Once inside, she brought in drinks and they got on the couch, ready to continue their conversation. Jen was still wearing her silver outfit and it kept distracting James. He didn’t want to stare or to make Jen uncomfortable, but his eyes just kept slipping down, to the cut of her jumpsuit that showed him a lot more than he could’ve hoped for. Jen noticed where his eyes were moving and for a moment James froze, feeling sure that she’d get angry at him and kick him out of her flat, but he was wrong. She smiled wide, put her glass on the table, and leaned closer to him. James enjoyed the smell of her skin as she got closer to him – fresh and sweet. Her eyes were fixated on his face and part of him already knew where it was going, but he didn’t want to go ahead of himself.
Jen took his glass out of James’s hands and put it on the table as well before she moved closer, leaning toward him. She asked if he wanted to continue their conversation in a more intimate manner. James only had a vague idea of what her words could’ve meant, but he nodded, more than happy to do anything as long as he got to do it with Jen. She grinned, and, just a moment later, moved her leg to get on top of James and straddle his hips. He welcomed her warm weight on top of him, and his hands instantly went to her hips to hold her still on top of him. The sensation was pleasant and he already enjoyed just having her in his lap. But Jen didn’t plan to stop at just that – she already leaned lower, to his face, ready to show James what she wanted from him.
They kissed, gently at first, but their kiss quickly became deeper, more fervent, and greedy. Their mouths opened and their tongues rubbed against each other in a deep need to feel more of each other. James’ hands were running up and down Jen’s back, but not trying to take her clothes off yet. He didn’t want to push her too hard, even though she was the one who initiated their kiss in the first place. She was gently moving her hips as she sat on top of him and James could feel his cock getting harder at the contact. That was what he wanted, what he needed to feel and he would’ve never exchanged it for anything else. Jen moaned into his mouth, pressing closer to him, until, suddenly, she pulled away, breaking their connection. James felt lost at the reasons why she did it, until she smiled, pulling her jumpsuit off her shoulders, revealing her silver top.
With her breasts, right in front of his face, James felt a deep need to lean closer and kiss them, and he could tell that Jen could see it. She smirked at him, giving him another quick kiss, before she put her hands behind her back and undid her top. She slowly slid it off her arms and James got a chance to see her breasts right in front of his face. They were perky and round, with creamy areolas and hard nipples. He instantly wanted to put his mouth on them, but before he did it he looked up, meeting Jen’s eyes and waiting for her approval. Only when she nodded and smiled did he dare to do it.
His hands went to her breasts, caressing them, while his mouth sucked on the soft warm flesh and hard nipples. Jen was moaning in his lap while he teased her sensitive nubs with his tongue and sucked on them, hoping to give her the pleasure she deserved. Jen was grabbing his shoulders and moving her hips once again, grinding against his groin and creating that sweet pressure that made his cock get harder every moment. He groaned with her nipple in his mouth, wanting more of her sweet body.
His hand slipped down, to where her bunched-up jumpsuit ended right above her groin. Then it slipped lower, to be met with the hot wetness of her pussy. James smiled as he found it and instantly dipped his fingers between Jen’s lips, teasing her clit. She moaned again, louder, making him think that he wouldn’t be able to last long once they moved on to have even closer contact. It felt unreal to hold her in his arms, to touch and kiss her as she moaned out and whimpered, wanting more of him.
Jen asked him to stop and James instantly did, pulling away to look at her face. She didn’t look unhappy with what he did, but he wasn’t going to continue if she didn’t want that. Jen got up, her legs shaking, but only so she could take off the rest of her clothes. She looked James up and down, saying that there were too many clothes on him and that he better get rid of them quickly. He grinned, getting up just to follow her command.
He enjoyed the look Jen was giving him while he took his clothes off, it was making him feel even more confident in the things he did with her. As soon as his clothes were off and the condom was on, he sat back on the couch, waiting for her. He enjoyed the position they were in just moments before and he wanted to feel those sensations once again.
When Jen straddled him again it felt different, especially since her bare pussy started to rub against his cock. James groaned, trying to keep his desire at bay, but that wasn’t easy. His hands went to Jen’s hips, digging into the soft flesh before he could even realize what he was doing. She smiled, lifting her hips up, just to push down a moment later, taking his cock into her hot pussy.
James groaned, throwing his head back and enjoying the sensations of her tight hot body around his cock. He looked at Jen as she rode him, her breasts moving right in front of his face. It was an incredible view, one he wasn’t willing to exchange for anything. He put his hands on her breasts, teasing her again, while their bodies kept connecting in a fast rhythm that was only growing faster. They both needed that release, they both were too turned on to stop or slow down, and they both didn’t need it.
James saw Jen fall apart in his arms, her eyes getting shut and her mouth wide open, as she went through all stages of pleasure he could give her. Only when he saw that she got everything she could out of it did James allow himself to feel their connection in all of its sharpness and get his own release.
With their breathing heavy, they pressed against each other, feeling happy and satisfied. James looked up, into Jen’s eyes, and kissed her again. She moved on top of him, with his cock still inside, creating the tension again. With a light laugh, Jen asked him if James would want to stay for a little longer, so they could finish their conversation. James happily agreed since they both enjoyed it so much.