#2907: In the Sea


Original photo: @hell.winter

Will and Hannah come to a party that takes place on a yacht. While everyone is celebrating, the couple finds a secluded place to have a moment for each other.

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When Will and Hannah got invited to spend an evening on a yacht they were thrilled. They were never invited to a party like that before and couldn’t wait to see what exactly could happen during it. It was going to start late in the evening and they were looking at a beautiful view of dark water and the stars reflecting in it. Food and drinks also were promising to be great. 

They dressed casually, but fitting for the party – Will wore dark blue pants and a white shirt, while Hannah put on a long, green, satin dress on the thin stripes. Will wouldn’t stop complimenting her when he saw her dressed like that. It’s been months since they got married but their passion was still the same, burning bright between the couple. 

When they arrived at the yacht, the party was only starting and they had enough time to meet everyone they didn’t know before. Just as they thought, the drinks and the food were amazing and, as soon as all the guests arrived, the yacht moved away from the dock and into the dark. 

The noise of the water hitting against the boat was calming and Hannah wouldn’t stop looking over the board to take in the beauty of the moment. Will was there, with her, enjoying the beauty of his wife rather than nature. They talked about how they traveled on a similar yacht during their honeymoon and how much they loved it. Will mentioned that the only thing that would’ve made that memory better would be if they went along with their idea of having sex on board. Hannah blushed deeply after hearing his words, her heart beating fast. She lightly slapped Will on the chest to remind him that it was inappropriate to talk about it, especially with all the people around. He only winked at her, pulling her back to the party. 

When the music started, the two paired up for the dance. No matter what song was playing – slow or fast – they kept next to each other, enjoying the company and getting more and more energized. Both felt their heartbeats go faster, and both were looking at each other without taking their eyes away because part of them already knew what they wanted and there was nothing that could’ve stopped them from turning it into reality. 

Hannah got closer to Will, put her hands around his neck, and pressed her body to his chest. She could feel that her husband was excited to feel her this close, and that was exciting her too, making her feel the heat between them even more than she did before. It was thrilling, it was something that they both wanted to feel, and they were looking for a way to make it happen.

Hannah leaned to Will even closer, whispering into his ear, telling him that there was a room in the lower part of the yacht and they could get there and enjoy each other while no one would see or hear them. Will let out a long breath when he heard it. Of course, he knew that both of them wanted it, and needed it, but he didn’t expect Hannah to actually go along with it. Between the two of them, he was the adventurous one, but he was happy to see this part of his wife’s personality. He asked Hannah if she had an idea about how they could sneak away and she nodded, explaining that as long as they went separately no one would think that they were there together, enjoying each other and everything that evening had to offer. Will laughed and shook his head. He knew that no matter how well they were going to hide it there was still a way for them to get caught, but he also cared very little about it. If his wife wanted to have sex on the yacht he wasn’t going to deny her, especially when he desired her just as much if not more. They agreed to meet downstairs and separated so that once they disappeared it would look less suspicious. 

Hannah was the first one to go downstairs. She hoped that the room wouldn’t get locked and it wasn’t. It was bigger than she imagined, with a bed, a couch, and a table. She couldn’t imagine using someone’s bed for something like that so she went to the leather couch and sat on it, waiting for her husband to come over. Her wait didn’t last long. 

Will entered the room and locked the door from the inside before he got closer to Hannah. She smiled at him, feeling the heat on her skin. She craved to be touched by him as if they weren’t spending every night in bed together. But it was different, they were in a new place, in the middle of nowhere on water, and just that fact alone made her feel more horny than any fantasy ever would. 

Will sat on the couch next to her and they embraced each other, gently kissing and caressing each other’s bodies. It started slow, gentle, just as any time they had sex, but soon an excitement of the moment overtook them, making them forget about anything but their spouse in their arms. Their kiss turned deeper, more passionate, their tongues rubbed against one another and their hands went under their clothes to explore the warmth of their skin, the softness of it. Will was the first one to move on to the action. 

Will went to stand on his knees on the floor, in front of Hannah. He looked up at her with desire and his hands went up, under her dress, until they reached her panties. He put his fingers under the elastic and slowly pulled them down, grazing the fabric against her skin. She was breathing heavily, feeling the heat of the moment and desire for her husband to be closer to her. Once her panties were out and lying on the floor, Will pushed her legs open and Hannah pulled up her dress to give him easier access to her pussy. She was aching for his touch and she knew that only his mouth was capable of giving her the pleasure she wanted to feel. 

Will lowered his head between Hannah’s legs and she felt his hot breath against her wet folds. She knew what to expect next and she was craving it. She breathed in slowly, feeling his tongue carefully explore her slit. He was using only the tip of his tongue when he did it, only teasing Hannah for now, not giving her the pleasure she needed. She whimpered, feeling as if she was on the edge. The danger of the moment was making her desire grow stronger every moment. They both knew that if someone would come to the room they would hear them, know that they were inside, enjoying each other, and that might ruin everything. But it was also the best part about this moment they shared – they only had limited time to spend there and that made every single moment count. 

Hannah put her hand in Will’s hair, pulling him closer. She moaned, feeling the flat of his tongue lapping at her clit, stimulating her. She put her hand on her breasts and started to tease her nipples, feeling the pulsing between her legs grow stronger. She needed that release, needed to feel the pleasure Will was promising her with every movement of his tongue, and she was going to get it. 

He sucked on Hannah’s clit, making her throw her head back and push her hips up, into his face. Hannah knew that it would leave her husband covered in her juices, smelling like her too, but she didn’t care. She only wanted to feel that exciting, shaking, hot pleasure going through her body, nothing else mattered. 

She was moaning louder, her body feeling ready for release, but not quite yet. Will knew exactly what to do in these situations. He rubbed her slit with his tongue once again before he pushed it into her opening, making Hannah squirm. She felt him licking her from the inside, his wet, slick tongue moving within her walls. Her body tensed for one perfect moment, as she moaned and whimpered before she felt the pleasure wash over her, taking everything away, just to leave her soft and relaxed on the couch. 

Will pulled his face away from her pussy and looked at Hannah with a smug smile. He knew what he had just done to her, what kind of pleasure he gifted her, and he was happy to see her in such a state. It was bringing him a lot of joy to know that he still could make her cum this hard. 

Hannah, seeing his reaction, frowned. She asked Will if he thought that she couldn’t do the same to him and he tried to laugh it off, but Hannah was serious. She told him to sit on the couch and let her do her thing. Will was more than happy to oblige. 

Hannah unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. He was already hard, waiting to be inside of her, asking for it. She stroked her husband slowly, watching his face. Will clearly liked it, but he tried not to show it as much, giving her a chance to prove herself. 

Hannah straddled his hips, pressing her warm, freshly-eaten pussy to his cock. She could feel just how much Will wanted her and she was going to use that desire against him. She rubbed her slit against his length, giving him a feeling of what he was about to get. A smile on Hannah’s face turned wider once she saw just how hungry for her Will was. She put her hand between their bodies and led his cock inside her pussy, enjoying the sensation of her husband filling her. They looked at each other, their bodies connected, as Hannah started to move on top of Will. 

She did it exactly the way he liked it – taking all of his length inside her walls, allowing him to feel her as close as it was possible. They were at the height of their pleasure, more focused on each other than ever, when they heard someone trying to open the door. Both looked at each other, feeling panic rise. Yes, the door was locked, but that didn’t mean that they couldn’t get caught. A moment later the door was left alone, but the adrenaline of this moment was still running through their veins, making everything feel sharper and better. Without a word exchanged between them, the couple continued. 

Hannah was riding Will faster, and he was moving his hips to meet her. They could get caught at any moment, any second, and they needed to reach their release before that would happen.

They grabbed onto each other, their bodies connecting over and over with the wet sounds of sex, before Will didn’t groan, pushing his face into Hannah’s shoulder and she didn’t feel the same surge of pleasure go through her, making her moan out as she felt his seed fill her. It was a pleasurable moment for the both of them and they knew that they needed to move quickly before someone would come to them again. 

They quickly left the room and returned to the party, grabbing the drinks close to them for a refresher. It was only as the party moved on and they lost the fear they’d get caught that Hannah realized that her panties were left behind. She wasn’t going back for them, that was for sure, but it was going to make for a great story to tell. 


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