#2506: On the Leash
Original image: @themichaeldonovan
Jordan meets her neighbor’s handsome dog walker, Matt and one of them takes the other for a leash session…
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The first time Jordan met Matt was early in the morning. She woke up unusually early for her and didn’t expect to see anyone in the hall of her building, but Matt was there, with her neighbor’s dog on a leash, ready to walk it out. They exchanged awkward greetings and Jordan felt stupid for walking out the door not looking her best. Matt, unlike her, looked put together and very attractive. He also didn’t seem to be sleepy, unlike her, which made Jordan even more annoyed. She preferred attractive guys to see her at her best, but she quickly forgot about that situation, feeling sure that at least she would never meet Matt again to be reminded of the embarrassment she felt. She didn’t know yet that she would be wrong to even hope for it.
A few days later they met again, in the same hall. Jordan looked much better - with styled hair, wearing a dress to go to the club, so it was sitting tight on her body. Matt gave her a quick look, but Jordan still noticed it, feeling somewhat proud of herself. She hoped that this would be the more memorable impression for Matt and if he would think about her again he’d remember her like this - beautiful, put together, and sexy, not her with barely brushed hair and dark circles under her eyes.
They talked for a brief moment about meaningless things, but Jordan could already feel the spark between them. It left her feeling intrigued but, once again, she wasn’t sure if she’d ever see Matt again and she didn’t keep her hopes too high.
The third time they met was a week later and Jordan wasn’t all dressed out, but also didn’t look her worst. Matt was as handsome as always, with his blue eyes, dark hair, and bright smile. Jordan barely reached his shoulder and for some reason, their height difference also excited her. They talked in the elevator and Matt briefly mentioned that it was his last day coming to their building since the dog’s owner was back from vacation. Jordan felt lost for some reason. She knew that it didn’t make any sense considering she barely knew Matt, but maybe she allowed herself to hope for something bigger without even realizing it. Matt noticed that she was upset and asked if everything was okay. Jordan hesitated for a moment but decided that there would be no harm in telling the truth.
Jordan confessed that it felt nice to get to know him and she hoped to continue to get to know him even more, but since they won’t see each other again that task was getting closer and closer to impossible. Matt seemed to be surprised by her words, but ready to get rid of Jordan’s worries. He told her that he would love to get to know her closer if she wanted it. Jordan smiled at that, and they exchanged their numbers. Not a day later Matt texted Jordan and invited her for a night out with possible continuation. She was more than happy to agree to it.
They met at a cozy restaurant where they ate delicious food and got to know each other better. Matt told Jordan about his day job at the advertisement agency, while Jordan told him about her hobbies and tried to find the other topics both of them could find interesting. It was a great conversation and the later it was getting the more connections Jordan was feeling with him. They started to lean closer to each other, as their connection deepened, and soon Jordan felt her lips aching as she wanted to feel Matt closer to her, feel his lips touching hers. She wasn’t ready if he would’ve been up to doing something like that on the first day, but she had to ask. When Jordan offered to come to her place Matt happily agreed to it. Jordan knew that James wasn’t home that evening, having fun with one of his new lovers, so she wasn’t worried about his walking in on them.
The walk back to Jordan’s place felt nice as well. Matt was holding her hand and keeping her close. Jordan asked, with a laugh, if that was one of his dog sitter habits and Matt laughed at the comment as well. He promised that he wasn’t that controlling unless he was asked to be. Jordan found that comment intriguing and kept it on her mind for later.
Once at her place, they sat on the couch and Jordan offered Matt a drink which he happily accepted. Jordan could already feel the heat between them, but she didn’t want to push too hard, at least not yet. They talked more, but Jordan could tell that Matt’s desire was growing along with hers. His hand was moving closer and closer to laying just next to her thigh, he was leaning closer to her. She smiled, noticing it and welcoming that desire for contact. She moved just a little bit closer to him and their thighs touched, creating the sparks between them. Matt leaned closer and Jordan knew that it was her cue for the next action.
Their lips met and Jordan felt how needy she actually was. Her body ached to be touched so she did the next step and put her hand on Jordan’s thigh as their tongues started to rub against each other in an insatiable dance. Her palm moved up, then up again, until she touched his hard cock through the fabric. Matt’s thigh jolted up, right into her palm, and Jordan rubbed him slowly, intensifying the desire both of them felt. She knew what she wanted and how she wanted it, so it wasn’t long until she pulled away, feeling breathless, and offered Matt to follow her to the bedroom. His eyes were dark with desire and it took him a moment to realize what Jordan meant, but eventually, he agreed and got up from the couch, ready to follow her anywhere.
They walked into the bedroom with their lips locked in the kiss once again. It just felt right to have their hands all over each other, to keep kissing until they couldn’t breathe. Jordan was walking backward until her legs didn’t touch the edge of the bed. Matt was acting more commanding at that point, touching her more openly, getting his hands all over her, but always waiting for Jordan’s reaction to make sure that she was okay with it. She loved that about him and couldn’t wait to know how he acted in bed. As she pulled away from the kiss she smiled, asking Matt how exactly he wanted her. For some reason, Jordan was sure that Matt had a preference for the exact position and ways he would fuck her, and she didn’t have anything against it. He felt her willingness to follow his commands and stepped back, looking over her body. Then Matt asked Jordan to take off her dress.
She did that, slowly pulling the stripes off her shoulders and letting the fabric slide down to the floor with her help. Jordan was ready for their date - she put on lacy green underwear that made her body look even more tempting than usual. Matt took a long look at her, and Jordan could see excitement in his eyes. He looked ready to devour her and that was exactly the look she preferred to see on the faces of men she was about to sleep with.
Then Matt asked her to get on the back and stand on her fours. Jordan was surprised by it, expecting him to want to see her face, but she still obeyed. She heard the sound of Matt getting rid of his clothes as well and turned back to see how toned his body looked. He left the boxers on before getting on the bed behind Jordan. There he helped her to get rid of her bra and panties, leaving her slit bare.
He leaned over her, touching her breasts from behind and kissing the back of her neck and down, to her back. Once he reached her ass, Matt sucked on the soft skin of it, before lying down on his back and moving until his breathing didn’t hit Jordan’s wet pussy. Her body went tense until she felt Matt’s hands pulling her down, to sit on his face. He started to lick her slowly and thoroughly, pressing his tongue to her slit and making Jordan shudder as her clit was getting stimulated in her favorite way. She was grabbing the covers with her hands, feeling the heat rising from between her legs to her whole body, making her forget about everything. Her soft moans filled the room as she begged for Matt to give her more, to lick her faster, but he didn’t follow her commands, only continuing to do that in his own rhythm. When Jordan tried to push her hips down and make use of his mouth Matt grabbed her hips, making Jordan stay still in the position he deemed more comfortable. She moaned and whimpered, she begged for it, but Matt wasn’t listening to her. He kept licking until she was desperate, until she was closer to her release and then he stopped.
It felt almost painful to not feel his tongue against her, to lose the pressure she enjoyed feeling. Jordan looked back to complain about it, but Matt was already standing behind her, his boxers gone. He was putting on a condom and, once he noticed Jordan looking, he smiled at her, asking if she was ready. She listened to her body again, to the aching wetness he left after stimulating her clit with his tongue, and nodded. That was her only response to him leaving her so needy.
She closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation of his cock rubbing against her entrance until Matt finally pushed inside her, letting Jordan feel the sensation of fullness inside her. He started to move inside her slowly, but she was just too turned on to handle even that. She started to moan loudly, pushing her hips back and asking for more. Matt grabbed her by the hair, asking if that would be okay for him to pull. Jordan promised that it was more than fine. She didn’t truly care about such little details when all that she wanted was to finally get her release. And then, after Matt was allowed to pull at her hair, the real pleasure started.
He pulled hard enough to make Jordan arch her back but not painfully so. Because of that her body was just at the right angle to feel every thrust he was giving her even sharper than before. The pleasure was running through her body, making Jordan forget about everything but the want she felt deep inside her. She was asking for more and more, begging and moaning as she took the cock of a man standing behind her with wet sounds of pleasure they shared. Jordan felt like she was losing her mind like nothing else existed but the connection between them that was making her feel better and better with every second.
She couldn’t handle it any longer, her body couldn’t. Jordan moved forward, as Matt released her hair, and pressed her forehead into the pillow. She cried out into the fabric, feeling her body tightening and relaxing with an orgasm. It hit her so hard her eyes started to water and time lost all the meaning. She just knew that Matt felt the same pleasure about a moment later and pulled out of her with a loud groan.
They lay down on the bed, breathless but happy next to each other. And when Matt asked Jordan if she was willing to do another round she readily agreed.