#2501: Tantalising Toes
Original image: @thevisceralmag
Sam goes on a date with Natasha, a woman he met online. Her commanding presence makes him excited and a little intimidated, but he’s happy to follow her commands. When she asks for a foot massage Sam can’t imagine where it ends up going…
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Sam was sitting in the bar feeling just a bit nervous about the meeting he was about have with a woman he met online. Natasha looked amazing in her pictures - tall, delicate, with big brown eyes and long dark hair. She looked elegant and spoke in a way that let Sam know that she couldn’t be fooled with flattery and pretense. Sam felt like she was just above his league and didn’t have much hope when he asked her to meet him, but Natasha agreed. And that led to the moment he sat with his palms sweaty and his heart hammering.
Sam’s eyes were always on the door so he instantly noticed when Natasha walked in the bar. She wore a long red dress that fit perfectly to her tan skin, making her look even more ethereal. Sam still couldn’t believe that he was able to get close to such beauty, so he planned to do everything in his power to prove to Natasha that she wasn’t just wasting her time with him.
She got closer to his table with a smile on her face and Sam got up to pull out a chair for her. She noticed the gesture and commented on it, saying that she rarely meets men so ready to serve her every need. Sam felt his face turn too hot for a moment before he sat down, trying to find the right words to keep up the conversation with Natasha.
He asked her about how her ride to the bar was and then went to the usual conversation about the weather. It was sprinkling outside and he stumbled over his words trying to compliment the way water drops were shining in Natasha’s dark hair. When Sam finished the sentence he realized, to his horror, that it didn’t sound like a compliment, but more like an observation about Natasha looking wet. He expected her to explode on him, to tell him that she needed to leave for some important business, but instead, Natasha laughed, throwing her head back and showing a row of her pearly white teeth. She was just too perfect to even be sitting next to him and Sam couldn’t just stop thinking about it.
Natasha lightly shook her head and quickly ordered a drink both for herself and for Sam. He didn’t make the choice, she did, but he didn’t mind it at all. If Natasha was happy with that choice, so was he.
Natasha tried to convince Sam that there was no reason for him to be so nervous around her. That it was sweet that he obviously found her attractive enough to make him terrified to say a wrong word. She didn’t mind it, because she had enough things on her mind for them both and if Sam didn’t want to even open his mouth through the evening she was more than okay with it. Sam wasn’t sure how to feel about that. He was used to the woman he was meeting expecting the man to lead, to be in charge, and show that he was ready to take care of everything. Even though Natasha’s way sounded appealing, Sam wasn’t fully sure how he felt about following it. Maybe it was just his mind still trying to fit into a standard box even when there was no need for it, but it wasn’t easy to just ignore the usual way things went. But he was willing to give Natasha a chance to show him that his way wasn’t the only one.
She was telling Sam about her job - he wasn’t surprised that she was in charge of a whole department and was getting a promotion to an even higher level soon. Everything about her, from the way she talked to the way she moved her hand to stop the waiter told Sam that she knew how to give people instructions without ever raising a voice. He was also the one following her commands and they barely knew each other. Sam still wanted to believe that it was because of Natasha’s commanding presence and not his soft nature.
The time passed by faster than Sam expected and when he looked at the clock to see that it was getting close to midnight he almost felt regret. He didn’t want to leave the bar, he didn’t want to say goodbye to Natasha, but he didn’t have a choice. She, however, did. When Natasha noticed the look on Sam’s face and noticed what late hour it was she didn’t hesitate for a moment. She asked Sam if he wanted to come to her place and continue their evening. He felt more than accited and, even though he was ashamed about it, aroused. Yes, Sam knew that just because Natasha offered him to come to her place it didn’t mean that she was going to have sex with him, but Sam still could dream about it.
He paid the bill and they got into a taxi that drove them all the way to Natasha’s house. She was living in a big flat next to a park and Sam felt like he would get charged for even touching the expensive furniture that decorated the place. Natasha didn’t pay any attention to his worries - she sat on the couch and patted the place next to her, inviting Sam to sit there with her. He, of course, took it and looked at Natasha, expecting what she was going to ask of him next.
She smiled, as her eyes followed Sam’s body. It was unusual for him to get this much attention from a woman, but Sam couldn’t say that he didn’t like it. Natasha was hot and the fact that she brought him to her house was already a good sign for him. With her tone low, she said that it was a very nice evening. Sam felt goosebumps go up his arms. Natasha’s voice was so smooth it felt like she was caressing him with her words. He nodded, agreeing with her statement. Then Natasha took off her shoes and leaned back, getting more comfortable on the couch. Sam looked at the smooth lines of her body and swallowed, trying not to look into the cut of her dress.
Natasha stretched out even more and, without a word, put her feet into Sam’s lap. They were like everything else about her - delicate and beautiful. Her toes were long, her nails covered with a shiny red polish. Sam was surprised with his reaction to just seeing her soft feet on top of him. They looked well taken care of and it made him feel a strange sensation in his stomach.
Natasha noticed his reaction and touched Sam’s hand with her toes. When Sam looked up at her, Natasha was smiling, asking him to give her a massage because her feet hurt too bad because of her wearing heels all evening. Sam was surprised by her request, but he didn’t question it. He nodded and took Natasha’s foot in his hands, starting to slowly rub its sole.
Natasha let out a soft hum and that sound seemed to echo deep down in Sam’s body, his cock was slowly getting hard. He continued the massage, his fingers massaging Natasha with more and more force, as she was relaxing into his touch more and more. Sam looked at her, he looked at her feet and felt the warmth spreading in his lower stomach even more. He wanted Natasha, he wanted to be closer to her and feel more of her, but it was her game and she was the one deciding on the rules.
Natasha looked breathless, her eyes were lidded and Sam didn’t know if he had a chance to feel his own pleasure until she pulled her foot away and sat straight. She commanded Sam to get on his knees in front of her and pull down his pants. Even though he was feeling shy about it, he did it, simply because Natasha told him to and he didn’t see a single reason to disobey her. His hard cock was right next to her foot and all Sam wanted at that moment is to feel some friction. But he had another surprise waiting for him first.
Natasha pulled up her dress all the way to her waist, revealing her lacy black underwear. There was no shyness in her actions, not even when she pulled her panties down to reveal her pussy to Sam. She pulled one of her legs to the side, put her knee on the seat, and put the other between Sam’s legs, touching his cock. She smiled, telling him to lean down and take care of her. Sam did exactly that.
He leaned down, inhaling her sweet scent, looking at the smooth skin of her inner thighs. He groaned, feeling Natasha’s soft foot moving against his cock, pressing his shaft to his thigh and rubbing it slowly. The sensation was new, but he welcomed it and wanted more. He knew exactly the way to make Natasha more willing to give him that.
He leaned down and licked her pussy, just teasing with the tip of his tongue. She let out a soft whimper, starting to move her foot faster. Sam didn’t want to finish too soon, so he had to pick up the speed and push her to the edge along with him.
He ran the tip of his tongue over her slit again, quicker, making Natasha shudder under him. His cock was still against her foot, feeling her sole, the heel, and her toes moving against it. Sam groaned right into Natasha’s wet folds, making her moan even louder. That sound was beautiful and Sam wanted to hear it again and again.
He pressed his tongue fully to her slit, licking Natasha in generous strokes as she kept moving her foot over his length and the tip, pushing Sam closer and closer to madness. He didn’t want to think about anything, he just wanted to get his pleasure. He pressed his mouth to Natasha’s pussy fully, teasing her clit with his tongue, kissing it, and loving it, as she was giving him exactly what he wanted.
Sam was too afraid to get off before Natasha would relax, so he was trying to listen to her motions and the sounds she would make. She was moaning loudly, her clit was throbbing in his mouth and he could tell that she was getting her fair share of the pleasure he was more than willing to provide.
Her foot stopped against him since Natasha was too busy experiencing her orgasm, but that didn’t stop Sam. He moved his cock against her foot faster and faster, until his load was on her skin, between her toes, dripping all over her soft foot. He looked at the result of his pleasure, feeling almost ashamed, but Natasha just laughed seeing his reaction. She pointed at the box of tissues on the table and asked him to clean up after himself. Sam readily did that, feeling more than grateful for a chance to experience that pleasure. When he put the tissues in the trash Natasha was already off the couch, standing in the door and waiting to walk Sam out.
He was barely able to put his cock back into his pants when she said her goodbyes and closed the door behind him. There was no promise of a second time, no sweet goodbyes, but Sam didn’t expect it. Natasha was in charge and he didn’t have a doubt that if she wanted to see him again she would find a way.
And he really hoped that she would want to meet again.