5 Erogenous Zones You Didn’t Know About

We all know the nether regions, breasts, and bum are erogenous zones but here are 5 we bet you didn’t know were also intricately linked to your sexual pleasure…

  1. The inner wrist - There are tons of nerve endings here which make it a perfect place to stroke with your finger tips, or even lick. It may also be a great way to publicly let your partner know you want to mosey on home for some action .

  2. The earlobe- Biting on your partners ear lob or giving it a massage will be sure to turn them on due to the sensitivity of the skin and numerous sensory receptors.

  3. Behind the knee- Like the previous zones mentioned the skin is soft and therefore very sensitive to touch, plus it’s not a place that is often touched by oneself or others. A soft tickle here means you might feel a soft tickle down below.

  4. The naval & lower stomach- Arousing due to it’s proximity to the genitals you can really use this area to excite your partner. Tease them by kissing and licking around here, or even giving it a firm grab while having sex.

  5. The neck- This one is probably already well known as so many people love to trail their kisses from their partners face down their neck. But why is this the case? It’s a highly vulnerable area so it shows arousal and connection when it’s touched by someone else.

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