#2405: Recipe for Cumming
Original image: @woowoo.fun
Rachel and Chloe go out for a second date which leads to them cooking dinner at Chloe’s place. They get to know each other better and have another chance to enjoy passionate fulfilling sex.
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When Chloe invited Rachel for the second date she was happy but not surprised. She felt the connection between them from the first time they met and it was solidified by the great sex they had in the changing room. For the second date, Chloe offered to come over to her place and cook dinner together. It was a bit too romantic for Rachel, but she agreed. She had a feeling that with Chloe it would turn into something more than just cooking very quickly and that was the part she was looking forward to.
They were going to go to the farmers’ market first, so Rachel put on a sensible outfit – a long green knitted dress, boots, and a coat. Of course, there was sexy underwear underneath those layers, waiting to be revealed later in the evening. She smiled as she looked in the mirror, thinking about the memories they already created. Their quickie in the center was hot, Rachel couldn’t deny it, but she wanted to know how it’d feel once they had as much time as they wanted and could be as loud as possible.
Rachel took a taxi to the market and Chloe was already waiting for her there. She was dressed in a black coat, her red hair bright enough against it to make her stand out in the crowd. Rachel quickly walked to her and they greeted each other with a chaste but sweet kiss on the lips. For some reason that fleeting touch made Rachel feel strange, but not in a bad way. There was just some warmth in the pit of her stomach that didn’t really fully feel like lust. Chloe looked excited to meet again and Rachel was happy about it.
Walking closely, they went past the stands, trying to decide what they were going to make for dinner. Rachel offered to make pasta and that made Chloe laugh. She said that it was one of the most basic date dishes one could cook and she was surprised to hear that as an option from Rachel who seemed so adventurous. Rachel frowned at that, saying that there were many variations of pasta to be made and that it was a hard thing to mess up and that’s why she wanted to make that low-stakes meal. Chloe pulled her closer and rubbed her nose against Rachel’s, seeing her frown. She said that she didn’t mind something easy, that simple things also had a lot to offer, and that she would be happy to cook anything as long as she got to do it alongside Rachel. Another quick kiss sealed the deal and they went past the stands again, looking for the right ingredients.
While they were buying the things they needed they had a chance to taste test different produce and discuss their tastes. Rachel found out that Chloe hated cheese unless it was melted and a part of the dish, which she couldn’t understand and Chloe had a chance to call Rachel a weakling for having a garlic allergy. A stand with silver jewelry caught Rachel’s eyes, and, as she looked through the rings, Chloe offered to buy her something. Rachel refused the offer but was pleasantly surprised with how ready Chloe was to fulfill her momentary whim.
Soon they had their bags full of the things they needed and some they didn’t. Both of them got a little cold after spending so much time outside and they decided it would be best to finally go to Chloe’s place.
Rachel was surprised with how cozy the place looked, even though it was smaller than her flat. Chloe put on a slow relaxing music and they started to cook. Chloe was clearly a better chief than Rachel, masterfully cutting the chicken and adding the ingredients. She added more spices than Rachel knew the names of, but at the end of it, their meal smelled delicious. Chloe playfully got some sauce into the wooden spoon and offered Rachel to try it. There was a playful sparkle in her eyes and Rachel leaned forward, licking it off while looking right at Chloe. The air between them momentarily became heated and Rachel kept their eye contact for longer than was necessary.
When their meal was ready Rachel helped to set up a table and Chloe filled their plates with pleasantly smelling pasta. It was time for them to relax and enjoy the fruits of their labor.
Rachel rarely felt easy talking with people she didn’t know well, but with Chloe, there were no pauses, no awkward silence. Even if they didn’t have anything to say to one another, Rachel didn’t feel the pressure that forced her to say anything just to break the silence. The pasta did taste good, though Chloe claimed it would’ve been even better if she was allowed to add the garlic. Rachel laughed, saying that her allergy saved them from having an awful breath for when they moved on to kissing and she could see Chloe’s eyes narrow as she mentioned getting close and personal. Once they were done with the food Chloe offered to move to the couch and have drinks. Rachel happily agreed, already anticipating what would happen next.
They briefly talked about their work and Rachel was surprised to learn that Chloe was working in the marketing department of a food brand and had a cooking blog on the side. Rachel said that it explained why Chloe cooked so well and that it was unfair to hide that information from her. Chloe said that it was just a hobby and nothing more, but Rachel still insisted that from that moment on Chloe would be the one cooking for them at all times.
As they laughed about it, they leaned closer, their hands moving closer to one another, their hot breathing mixing between their faces. Rachel felt her heart beating faster, her eyes glued to Chloe’s smile. She wanted to kiss those full lips, to feel them on her body and there was nothing stopping her from doing so.
Rachel put her arms around Chloe’s neck and pulled her closer for a kiss. She tasted like the meal they shared, her tongue warm as it rubbed against Rachel’s. Their hands dug under each other’s clothes, touching the bare skin. It was easier for Rachel to achieve since Chloe was wearing pants and a shirt. Chloe’s hands dipped under Rachel’s dress, caressing her thigh and making Rachel want to feel more of her touch.
They entangled their limbs, putting their legs and arms around each other even if it wasn’t the most comfortable position. They just wanted to be closer and nothing else mattered in that moment. Their kiss left them breathless, with their lips bright pink and aching for more. They looked at each other with dark eyes, their desire more than evident in the way they were still connected. Chloe offered to move their date to the bedroom and Rachel happily agreed to that.
Rachel felt excited as she stepped over the threshold and saw a wide bed waiting for her. She could already imagine herself lying on top of it, on her back, with Chloe’s mouth between her legs. She turned around and pulled Chloe closer once again, kissing her hard as they undressed each other.
The clothing items were dropping on the floor quickly, leaving them less and less dressed. Rachel’s lips were touching every part of Chloe they could reach – her neck, shoulders, her chest. She loved the feeling of smooth warm skin under her tongue and she only wanted more. Chloe laughed through her heavy breathing, asking if Rachel wanted to taste more than just her food. But it wasn’t such a tease when it was the truth. Rachel answered that she was ready to taste any part of Chloe she’d wanted her to touch and received a light whimper in return.
Once they were done to their underwear, Rachel pushed Chloe onto the bed and got on top of her. She got rid of her bra first and saw a pair of full perky breasts in front of her. She felt almost hungry looking at them and before Chloe could make any smart comments Rachel leaned over her and started to tease Chloe’s hard pink nipples with her tongue. She loved the sounds the woman under the was making and Rachel straddled one of Chloe’s thighs and started to gently rub herself against it, her clit being teased through the fabric of her panties.
Chloe was moaning under her, grabbing Rachel’s shoulders and pushing her thigh up to give Rachel more friction. She didn’t want to move away, she didn’t want to stop the growing pleasure she felt between her legs, but she knew what her goal was and that’s why she moved lower, kissing Chloe over her stomach, until Rachel was on the floor, standing on her knees in front of wide open legs. It didn’t take her long to take off Chloe’s panties and finally see the object of her desire – glistening pink pussy.
Chloe teased her again, asking what she was waiting for, and the only answer Rachel gave her was to move closer and start eating her out, listening to the redhead’s moans. Chloe tasted exactly the way Rachel imagined it would – it was a sweet, fulfilling taste that she wanted to always have on her mouth. She didn’t think about pacing herself or making a pause to breathe. All Rachel wanted was to devour the woman in front of her in any way she could and make her cum.
Rachel felt almost drunk as she kept licking and sucking on Chloe’s clit, the sounds she was hearing turning more and more desperate. Chloe was shaking under her, begging to be allowed to finish and Rachel did everything to push her there.
She felt it when Chloe finished – there was more of her wetness, her clit was throbbing and Rachel kept teasing her, with less pressure, until she was sure that Chloe got everything that she could out of her orgasm. And then, in a demanding tone, Chloe told her to get closer. Rachel wasn’t sure what exactly Chloe meant until she got on top of her bed and Chloe pulled her closer.
She invited Rachel to sit on her face and she readily accepted, feeling her clit throbbing to be teased. As she got into position, Chloe pulled Rachel’s panties to the side and instantly started to eat her out. Rachel was shaking, moaning on top of Chloe’s face, feeling the tension in her lower stomach. She still felt Chloe’s taste on her mouth and she loved it. She licked over her lips while Chloe was licking her clit and folds just as masterfully as she did the first time. Rachel let out a scream, her clit throbbing almost painfully as her body ached for release.
The orgasm felt like an explosion, making her body shudder as she let out a whimper while trying to keep herself upright. Very slowly, she moved off Chloe’s face and fell on the bed next to her.
They both had wet faces, both smelled like their juices and it felt right to share a kiss, share their tastes. Rachel felt happy and satisfied, maybe for a long time in a while. She didn’t expect her accidental dating app encounter to turn into something more but it did and she was very happy about it. Especially as she still went her pussy ache from being eaten.
Chloe kissed her again, her hands on Rachel’s body, letting her know that their night only just started.