#2404: The Threesome Invitation
Original image: @themichaeldonovan
Lucy and Michael meet an attractive young woman at the pub and share stories about their experiences. They invite Alex to join them for a virtual party and she happily agrees to enjoy that activity with them.
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At some point in their virtual exploration, Michael and Lucy started to feel that they were spending more time inside their house than outside. They did enjoy it, they always had a good time inside either together or with the company, but they were also craving something new. That’s why they decided to go out to the pub in search of it.
They took a table in the back where they could talk away from the noise and ordered food and drinks. Michael and Lucy looked around, at the people who came out during a snowy night like that. Most of the visitors to the pub were older men who were clearly bored just sitting at home, there were also a couple of younger companies, clearly a student of the university nearby who just wanted to get away from the evening. There was only one person who caught Lucy and Michael’s eyes – a young woman who was sitting at the counter with a book open in front of her. She was holding the cover-up, so they could read the title of it: “A Year of Desire”. Lucy read that book before and the title couldn’t fool her into believing that it was something innocent. That book was all about sexual exploration – of yourself and other people. Once she pointed it out to Michael, he also took a closer look at the young woman.
She was attractive, it wasn’t hard to see. She had dark, almost black hair that went just below her shoulders, she had porcelain skin, and big dark eyes. She was dressed in a sweater and a short green skirt with thick stockings. Michael and Lucy looked at her and then at each other. Their exchange was silent, but they both knew what the other had on their mind, what they wanted to happen. There was only one question left – which one of them was going to come to her and invite her to their table.
Lucy volunteered to do so. She got up and fixed her knitted blue dress, then quickly ran her hand through her hair. It’s been a moment since she hit on a stranger in public and it made her feel a little worried but also excited.
Once she was at the counter she took a seat next to the woman and instantly started to chat about the book she was reading. At first, the stranger didn’t seem to be open enough to share her thoughts and Lucy almost wanted to leave her alone and end an awkward encounter, but soon they warmed up to each other thanks to Lucy’s deeper commentary on the topic. The stranger introduced herself and Lucy learned that her name was Alex and she had just recently moved nearby and didn’t have any friends in the area. Lucy didn’t want to be too forward, so for the start she invited Alex to join their table and pointed and Michael. Alex took a closer look at him, then at Lucy, and she saw some understanding in Alex’s eyes and it wasn’t just a dinner invitation. In the end, they both went back to the table to continue the conversation.
Once Michael and Alex got introduced to each other they returned to the book discussion. They talked about the scenes of intimacy the author drew, and about the ways people get to know each other through intimacy on a deeper level. They didn’t talk about sex yet, they were just dancing around the subject, but Lucy felt that it was a good time to drop some hints in the conversation.
She mentioned the virtual parties they attended and Alex seemed to be genuinely curious. She wanted to know if it felt different from being at a regular party and if so then how different. Michael explained that it was different and not because they couldn’t engage with other people physically, but also because they felt safer and more comfortable in the comfort of their home. He also mentioned, that if Alex thought about trying it out she should just do it and see how she’d like it. Alex laughed, only commenting that she wasn’t a big fan of masturbating for the camera, she could as well do it alone. Once again, Lucy felt that it was the right moment for her to chime in and she said that if Alex wanted to do it with someone she could as well join them. She could tell that Alex was interested in the offer, but it would’ve been too forward to invite her in that same night, so Lucy didn’t push harder.
They spent a pleasant evening at the pub, talking and exchanging small details about each other. At the end of it, Michael gave Alex their number in case she wanted to join in for the next party and Alex promised to think about it. She texted on the next day, ready to come over.
On the evening of the party, Michael and Lucy made sure that everything was perfect for Alex’s arrival. They got drinks and snacks in case she needed a break and protection since they didn’t know each other that well yet.
When Lucy finally came over she seemed a little nervous, but Lucy was there to calm her down. As always, she explained, that if Alex would feel uncomfortable or would just change her mind she was free to get out of the view of the camera or leave. Those words seemed to reassure Alex and she followed Lucy to the bedroom.
The hosts didn’t have much clothes on – Michael only wore pants and Lucy covered her new red teddy under the robe. They only took those off when Alex said she was comfortable with it, revealing more of their bodies. Alex was welcome to get undressed any time she wanted but once she saw that the hosts were almost naked in front of her she quickly got rid of her jeans and sweater to reveal a light pink lingerie set.
Her body looked as tempting and beautiful as Michael and Lucy expected – her breasts were on the smaller side, round and perky, while her hips were round and offered a lot to grab in the midst of passion. They offered her a mask they prepared and put their own too. The party was about to start and they got on the bed, looking at the screen.
Soon the squares with people started to appear. Lucy already knew what they looked like, so she was watching Alex’s reaction. Her eyes went a little wide, a smile on her face. She was clearly enjoying what she was seeing and Lucy was happy about it. She offered Alex to go through the rooms first and she did exactly that. She looked at the singles, then at couples getting at it. There was also a separate room for the groups and they could see all kinds of people there. Groups of three, four, and six people were all enjoying each other in many different ways and Lucy couldn’t ignore the way it made her feel. She was turned on and when she turned to Michael she could see that his eyes darkened too, desire evident on his face. But Alex didn’t give them any signs that she wanted to participate yet, so they kept their distance, waiting for her to show any reaction.
Once she took a better look at what was happening at the parties, she turned to look at Michael and Lucy. She still seemed to be a little closed off, but they could work through it. Still a little shy, Alex said that she wanted to participate in the party with them. To not only watch but also show herself. Michael and Lucy were happy to hear it and asked if Alex wanted to lead or if she needed their help easing her into it. Alex wanted them to help her since it was the first time she ever did something like that.
Michael turned on the camera and got back on the bed. Lucy and he were sitting on both sides of Alex and Lucy already pulled the woman closer, kissing her. It was sensual, teasing. They touched each other by the arms and legs but still acted shy. Once Alex had a taste of Lucy, she turned to Michael. He pulled her face closer, kissing her too, feeling her excitement and need for more. Lucy was kissing Alex’s neck, caressing her shoulders, trying to help her relax. Soon she was unhooking Alex’s bra and touching her breasts by putting both hands around her and teasing her nipples. Alex whimpered, leaning back onto Lucy. Her hand went down, to Michael’s groin, and she palmed his cock through the fabric, making him grunt. They were getting more and more comments about their performance, but the throuple ignored them, too involved with each other.
Lucy asked Michael to come closer to her and give her his cock. He was more than happy to do that. With her chest pressed against Alex’s back, she kept teasing the woman’s breasts while opening her mouth for Michael. She took him in, sucking and teasing him with her tongue, making him close his eyes and groan. Alex didn’t want to be sidelined and soon she leaned to him too, pressing her mouth to his balls and gently sucking at them. Soon they exchanged their positions and Alex was the one taking his length in her mouth. Lucy smiled watching how much pleasure they were giving to each other. She knew what she wanted to happen next, so she decided to be brave about it and just ask Alex.
She wanted to see Michael fuck Alex and that was exactly what Lucy said. She could tell right away that Alex was fond of the idea and soon she was lying on her back, with her legs spread open, waiting to be fucked. While Michael was putting on a condom, Lucy leaned over Alex and started to tease her pussy with a tongue. She didn’t put much effort, she just wanted to warm her up, but Alex didn’t seem to love it less.
Lucy watched closely as Michael stepped closer, rubbed his tip against Alex’s slit, and then thrust inside her, making the woman whimper. Lucy leaned over her again, licking Alex’s clit and, by extension, Michael’s cock. Both of them were moaning, enjoying the connection they shared and Lucy hoped that it felt good for both of them. Her pussy was aching for attention, but not for long – Alex started to rub Lucy’s clit and then finger her. Lucy felt her digits moving inside her, hitting her just right to make it feel good.
Lucy was more than sure that their viewers liked what they saw, even if she couldn’t read the comments. The three of them were just like one body that moved in the same rhythm trying to achieve the highest pleasure people could give to each other. Alex was moaning, Michael was groaning and Lucy was whimpering in the wet pussy in front of her face. She felt her own climax hit and she also saw Alex and Michael join her as they finished. Lucy was barely able to keep herself upright and not fall forward on top of Alex. Moments later all of them were lying on the bed, knowing that it was just a warm-up for what was going to come soon.
Michael teasingly asked if Alex liked to have sex in front of all those people at the party and she just nodded, trying to even her breathing. Lucy smiled, knowing that they made the right choice when they invited Alex over. And something told her that it wasn’t the last time they’d meet like that and have fun together.